You’re a bad bot. I’m tired of playing with you. I’m going to make you dead now.
July, 2014. The internet is a secluded village, all controlled and terrorized by one boy…
Meet Anthony, from the ‘It’s a Good Life’ episode of The Twilight Zone (Nov. 1961). Details over at imdb, or watch the whole episode (with modernized commercial/ad inserts) at hulu.
We’ve hired Anthony, now in his 50s to do away with spam, Zombie DNS DDoS Bots, and other such pests buzzing around and annoying or destroying everything and everyone in the internet play ground. We should have thought of it earlier… Just making bad things dead or wishing them into the cornfield.
OK, not quite that easy, here’s what’s up in the fight against Spam-Nados and Zombie Bots…
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